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Tips for House Hunting in the Spring or Summer

We offered quite a few winter tips on things like how to spot water damage in basements and such, but now it’s time to offer up some useful tips for shopping for Boston real estate in the spring and summer months! One of the first things that often cross buyers minds when looking at different Boston condos, Boston luxury apartments, and Boston real estate properties for sale is the cost of heating each property. In New England especially, this is a serious concern for Boston real estate buyers! Many sellers will provide a ballpark estimate or even concrete proof of the costs of heating their Boston condos, Boston luxury apartments, or Boston real estate, but be wary to assume the same will apply for you. Heating costs are often affected by the personal usage of the owner and the efficiency of the house itself. You may or may not be more efficient and you can certainly make the home more efficient. Sometimes if sellers provide heating bills as proof of heating costs buyers are quick to assume they’re accurate. Remember that a low energy bill may reflect that the owner either keeps it cool or tends to vacation during the winter and leaves the thermostat on a temperature just high enough to keep the pipes from freezing. If you’re very concerned with the cost of heating here are a few things you can look at when shopping for Boston real estate in the spring and summer:

1. The Attic – If the attic is well-insulated it should keep the heat in your home from rising up and out of your roof. However, if insulation is too thick, it will result in an extremely hot attic in the summer that may require ventilation. Ventilation allows the heat absorbed by the roof in the summer to escape rather than remain trapped.
2. Flooring – Beware of enclosed porches without foundations and rooms over the garage. These will often have very cold floors. You want insulation to prevent the loss of heat in these areas.
3. Additional – If while looking at Boston real estate properties you notice that one area of a home is hotter than the rest, it’s safe to assume it may also be colder in the winter. Be mindful of areas that are uncharacteristically hot or cold without reasons (cold floors, rooms, etc.) such as open windows, AC’s, etc.

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